Saturday, August 18, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A day at the lake house

I spent an afternoon down at my friend's lake house in Kentucky, catching up with a few longtime friends and meeting a few new ones. As it was rather hot and everyone else was tired from the previous day's activities, we opted to sit around, which isn't much of a problem for me as long as I have drawing implements.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dub Therapy

Two straight days of the mercury hitting at least 100F is getting to me. A whole lot of sitting inside with the shades drawn and the AC units on full blast, waiting for the sun to go down. I've found myself listening to a lot of instrumental dub lately to beat the heat, so I thought I'd do a quick portrait of the genre's godfather, Lee "Scratch" Perry.

Monday, August 6, 2007

catching up

i've been slipping into mid-afternoon siesta mode lately with the summer heat in full blast. i guess that is my best excuse for why i haven't posted anything to here for a while. here are a few new drawings.